Skotlandia, seolah sebuah negeri tak teraih bagi Afan. Bagaimana tidak? Untuk melanjutkan SMA saja, dia harus memutar otak agar lepas dari ancaman putus sekolah berulang kali. Meski begitu, Afan memiliki tekad yang tidak mudah diruntuhkan. Impian menggiringnya melampaui batas logika. Di perjalanannya, dia bertemu Lara, pemilik senyum semanis madu yang menggetarkan hatinya. Sekeras apa pun Afan …
Daftar Isi: BAB I PENDAHULUAN 1.1 Aspek-aspek keamanan komputer 1.2 Aspek-aspek ancaman keamanan 1.3 Metodologi keamanan 1.4 Mendeteksi serangan 1.5 Mencegah 1.6 Lima langkah keamanan Komputer 1.7 Strategi dan dan taktik keamanan komputer 1.8 Password BAB II KEJAHATAN KOMPUTER 2.1 Pendahuluan 2.2 Macam-macam Serangan BAB III DASAR-DASAR KEAMANAN KOMPUTER 3.1 Apa itu Kriptogr…
Named a Best Book of the Year by New York Post! From one of our most innovative and celebrated authors, the definitive take on the wildest story of the year— the David-vs.-Goliath GameStop short squeeze, a tale of fortunes won and lost overnight that may end up changing Wall Street forever. Bestselling author Ben Mezrich offers a gripping, beat-by-beat account of how a loosely affiliate…
Computer access control is an ongoing challenge. Left to themselves, computers tend to treat one user no differently than another. Computers use authentication to confidently associate an identity with a person. Authentication: From Passwords to Public Keys gives readers a clear understanding of what an organization needs to reliably identify its users and how different techniques for verifying…
Every day, hackers are devising new ways to break into your network. Do you have what it takes to stop them? Find out in Hacker’s Challenge 3. Inside, top-tier security experts offer 20 brand-new, real-world network security incidents to test your computer forensics and response skills. All the latest hot-button topics are covered, including phishing and pharming scams, internal corporate hac…
This book provides a basic understanding of the way radio signals work-without becoming bogged down with the technicalities. It covers all kinds of radio signal types--including mobile communications, short-wave, satellite, and microwave. No detailed knowledge of electronics or mathematics is required. A-Z coverage of radio signals including satellites, mobile communications, and short-wave rad…
Tindak pidana pers pada dasarnya merupakan kelompok tindak pidana yang mempublikasikan berita dengan tulisan yang isinya bersifat melawan hukum. Tersebar di KUHP dan di peraturan perundang-undangan lainnya. Penyelesaian kasus pidana pers, tidak bisa dipaksakan dengan UU Pers. Tindak pidana pers juga bukan lex specialis dalam UU Pers. Meskipun dengan alasan terlebih dahulu menggunakan hak jaw…
Kehadiran buku ini berupaya mengupas “Semangat kebangkitan Nasional, Pancasila dan Undang-undang Dasar 1945 Kunci Pemersatu Bangsa”. Pancasila sebagai dasar negara dan pandangan hidup bangsa Indonesia untuk mengatur penyelenggaraan negara. Pembukaan UUD Negara Republik Indonesia Tahun 1945 alenia keempat mengamanatkan bahwa bangsa Indonesia memiliki dasar dan pedoman dalam hidup berbangsa d…
This book discusses the evolution of security and privacy issues and brings related technological tools, techniques, and solutions into one single source. The book will take readers on a journey to understanding the security issues and possible solutions involving various threats, attacks, and defense mechanisms, which include IoT, cloud computing, Big Data, lightweight cryptogra…