Analisis keamanan perangkat IoT smart home berdasarkan OWASP IoT security verification standard
Jumlah pengguna internet di dunia semakin tinggi seiring bervariasinya kebutuhan masyarakat terhadap internet. Internet saat ini berkembang menjadi Internet of Things (IoT), dimana IoT dapat menunjang kebutuhan dan fasilitas kehidupan manusia. Smart home adalah salah satu pengaplikasian lingkungan IoT, dimana pengguna dapat melakukan otomatisasi terhadap lingkungan smart home, mengontrol dan memantau peralatan rumah tangga, seperti pencahayaan, suhu, kelembaban udara, pintu, dan jendela. Perangkat pada smart home saling berhubungan dan membutuhkan pertukaran informasi sehingga perangkat-perangkat tersebut rentan terhadap serangan keamanan. Pada penelitian ini akan dilakukan analisis keamanan perangkat IoT Bardi Smart Home berupa Window and Door Sensor, IP Camera, dan Smart Bulb, berdasarkan persyaratan komunikasi pada OWASP IoT Security Verification Standard. Hasil analisis keamanan menunjukkan bahwa perangkat Window and Door Sensor, IP Camera, dan Smart Bulb telah memenuhi persyaratan keamanan komunikasi umum dan WiFi pada OWASP IoT Security Verification Standard.
The number of internet users in the world is getting higher as people's needs for the internet vary. The Internet is currently developing into the Internet of Things (IoT), where IoT can support the needs and facilities of human life. Smart home is one of the applications of the IoT environment, where users can automate the smart home environment, control and monitor household appliances, such as lighting, temperature, humidity, doors and windows. Devices in a smart home are interconnected and require the exchange of information so that these devices are vulnerable to security attacks. This research will analyze the security of Bardi Smart Home IoT devices in the form of Window and Door Sensors, IP Cameras, and Smart Bulbs, based on the communication requirements of the OWASP IoT Security Verification Standard. The results of the security analysis show that the Window and Door Sensor, IP Camera, and Smart Bulb devices have met the general and WiFi communication security requirements in the OWASP IoT Security Verification Standard.
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