Cybersecurity and cyberwar: what everyone needs to know
Why write book about cybersecurity and cyberwar
Why is there a cybersecurity knowledge gap, and why does in matter
How did you write the book and what do yo hope to accomplish
Part I How it all works
The world wide what? Defining cyberspace
Where did this cyber stuff come from anyway? A short history of the internet
How does the internet actually work
Who runs it? Understanding internet governance
On the internet, how do they know whether you are a dog identity and authentication
What do we mean by security anyway
What are the threats
One phish, two phist, red phist, cyber phist: what are vulnerabilities
How do we trust in cyberspace
Focus: what happened in wikileaks
What is an advanced persistent threat (APT)
How do we keep the bad guys out? The basics of computer defense
Who is the weakest link? Human factors
Part II Why it matters
What is the meaning of cyberattack? the importance of terms and frameworks
Whodunit? The problem of attribution
What is hactivism
Focus: who is anonymous
The crimes of tomorrow, today: what is cybercrime
Shady RATs and cyberspies: what is cyber espionage
How afraid should we be of cyberterrorism
So how do terrorists actually use the web
What about cyber counterterrorism
Security risk or human right? Foreign policy and the internet
Focus: what is tor and why does peeling back the onion matter
Who are patriotic hackers
Focus: what was stuxnet
What is the hidden lesson of stuxnet? The ethics of cyberweapons
Cyberwar, ugh, what are zeros and ones good for? Defining cyberwar
A war by any other name? the legal side of cyber conflict
What might a cyberwar actually look like? Computer network operations
Focus: what is the US military approach to cyberwar
Focus: what is the Chinese approach to cyberwar
What about deterrence in an era of cyberwar
Why is threat assessment so hard in cyberspace
Does the cybersecurity world favor the weak or the strong
Who has the advantage, the offense or the defense
A new kind of arms race: what are the dangers of cyber proliferation
Are there lessons from past arms races
Behind the scenes: is there a cyber-industrial complex
Part III What can we do?
Don’t get fooled: why can’t just build a new, more secure internet?
Rethink security: what is resillence, and why is it important?
Reframe the broblem (and the solution): what can we learn from public health?
Learn from history: what can (real) pirates teach us about cybersecurity?
Protect world wide governance for the world wide web: what is the role of international institutions?
Graft the rule of law: do we need a cyberspace treaty?
Understand the limits of the state in cyberspace: why can’t the government handle it?
Rethink government’s role: how can we better organize for cybersecurity?
Approach it as a public-private problem: how do we better coordinate defense?
Exercise is good for you: how can we better prepare for cyber incidents?
Build cybersecurity incentives: why should l do what you want?
Learn to share: how can we better collaborate on information?
Demand disclosure: what is the role of transparency
Get vigorous about responsibility: how can we create accountability for security?
Find the IT crowd: how do we solve the cyber people problem?
Do your part: how can l protect myself (and the internet)?
Where is cybersecurity headed next
What do l really to know in the end
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