Introduction to the design and analysis of algorithms
1 Introduction
1.1 What is an algorithm
1.2 Fundamentals of algorithmic problem solving
1.3 Important problem types
1.4 Fundamentals data structures
2 Fundamentals of the analysis of algorithm efficiency
2.1 The analysis framework
2.2 Asymptotic notations and basic efficiency classes
2.3 Mathematical analysis of recursive algorithms
2.4 Mathematical analysis of nonrecursive algorithms
2.5 Example: computing the nth Fibonacci number
2.6 Empirical analysis algorithms
2.7 Algorithms visualization
3 Brute force and exhaustive search
3.1 Selection sort and bubble sort
3.2 Sequential search and brute-force string matching
3.3 Closest-pair and convex-hull problems by brute force
3.4 Exhaustive search
3.5 Depth-first search and breadth-first search
4 Decrease- and-conquer
4.1 Insertion sort
4.2 Topological sorting
4.3 Algorithms for generating combinatorial objects
4.4 Decrease-by-a-constant-factor algorithms
4.5 Variable-size-decrease algorithms
5 Divide-and-conguer
5.1 Mergesort
5.2 Quicksort
5.3 Binary tree traversals related properties
5.4 Multiplication of largers and strassen’s matrix multiplication
5.5 The closest-pair and convex-hull problems by divide-and-conquer
6 Transform-and-conguer
6.1 Presorting
6.2 Gaussian elimination
6.3 Balanced search trees
6.4 Heaps and heapsort
6.5 Horner’s rule and binary exponentiation
6.6 Problem reduction
7 Space and time trade-offs
7.1 Sorting by counting
7.2 Input enhancement in string matching
7.3 Hashing
7.4 B-trees
8 Dynamic programming
8.1 Three basic examples
8.2 The knapsack problem and memory functions
8.3 Optimal binary search trees
8.4 Warshall’s and floyd’s algorithms
9 Greedy technique
9.1 Prim’s algorithm
9.2 Kruskal’s algorithm
9.3 Dijkstra’s algorithm
9.4 Huffman trees and codes
10 Iterative improvement
10.1 The simplex method
10.2 The maximum-flow problem
10.3 Maximum matching in bipartite graphs
10.4 The stable marriage problem
11 Limitations of algorithm power
11.1 Lower-bound arguments
11.2 Decision trees
11.3 P,NP, and NP-complete problems
11.4 Challenges of numerical algorithms
12 Coping with the limitations of algorithm power
12.1 Backtracking
12.2 Branch-and-bound
12.3 Approximation algorithms for NP-hard problems
12.4 Algorithms for solving nonlinear equantions
Appendix A Useful formulas for the analysis of algorithms
Appendix B Short tutorial on recurrence relation
Hints to exercises
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