Design, evaluation, and analysis of questionnaires for survey research
Part I. The three-steps procedure to design requests for an answer
1. Concepts-by-postulation and concepts-by-intuition
2. From social science concepts-by-intuition to assertions
3. The formulation of requests for an answer
Part II. Choices involved in questionnaire design
4. Specific survey research features of requests for an answer
5. Response alternatives
6. The structure of open-ended and closed survey items
7. Survey items in batteries
8. Mode of data collection and other choices
Part III. The effects of survey characteristics on data quality
9. Criteria for the quality of survey measures
10. Estimation of reliability, validity and method effects
11. Split ballot MTMM designs
12. Estiamtion of the effects of measurement characteristic on the quality of survey questions
Part IV. Applications in social science research
13. Prediction and improvement of survey reguests SQP
14. The quality of measures for concepts-by postulation
15. Correction for measurement error in survey data analysis
16. Coping with measurement error in cross-cultural research
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