Terdapat indeks. DAFTAR ISI: Kata Pengantar Daftar Isi Bab 1 Sistem Bilangan Bab 2 Gerbang Logika Bab 3 Teknologi Logika Bab 4 Register Bistabil dan Geser Bab 5 Pencacah dan Pewaktu Bab 6 Piranti Memori Bab 7 Pengawa-Sandi dan Penjamak Bab 8 Konversi Analog dan Digital Bab 9 Sistem Berdasar Mikroprocessor Bab 10 Piranti Periferal dan Untai Antarmuka Bab 11 Tampilan CRT Bab 12 Peralatan Penguji…
Terdapat bibliografi dan indeks. CONTENTS: 1. Number Systems and Binary Codes. 2. Fundamental Concepts of Digital Logic. 3. Combinational Logic Design. 4. Fundamentals of Synchronous Sequential Circuits. 5. VHDL in Digital Design. 6. Combinational Logic Design using VHDL. 7. Synchronous Sequential Circuit Design. 8. Counter Design. 9. Sequential Circuit Design using VHDL. 10. Asynchronous Seq…
Anak judul using verilog HDL and FPGAs. Terdapat bibliografi dan indeks. Preface. Chapter 1 Introduction. Chapter 2 Structural Modeling. Chapter 3 Dataflow Modeling. Chapter 4 Behavioral Modeling. Chapter 5 Tasks, Functions And Udps. Chapter 6 Hierarchical Structural Modeling. Chapter 7 Advanced Modeling Techniques. Chapter 8 Combinational Logic Modules. Chapter 9 Sequential Logic Modules. Ch…
Terdapat bibliografi dan indeks. DAFTAR ISI: 1. Matematika 2. Baterai/Pencatu Daya 3. Pelawanan/Kekalang DC-AC 4. Kapasitas/Kekalang arus bolak-balik 5. Kumparan/induktansi 6. Bentuk-bentuk gelombang 7. Lambang-lambang peranti semikonduktor 8. Dioda semikonduktor 9. Transistor pertemuan (junction transistor) 10. Thyristor 11. Pensakelaran dengan SCR 12. Penguat arus rata (DC-amplifier) 13. Pen…
Terdapat bibliografi dan indeks. CONTENTS: 1. Introduction 1.1 Analog Filters 1.2 The Path To Analog Filter Design 1.3 Digital Filters 1.4 Digital Filter Types 1.5 The Path To Digital Filter Design 2. Time And Frequency Response 2.1 Filter Requirements 2.2 The Time Domain 2.3 Analog Filter Normalization 2.4 Normalized Lowpass Responses; 2.5 Bessel Response 2.6 Bessel Normalized Lowpass Filte…
Terdapat bibliografi dan indeks. CONTENTS: 1. Introduction 1.1 Signals and Systems Defined 1.2 Types of Signals 1.3 Examples of Systems 1.4 A Familiar Signal and System Example 1.5 Use of MATLAB 2. Mathematical Description of Continuous-Time Signals 2.1 Introduction and Goals 2.2 Functions and Functional Notation 2.3 Signal Functions 2.3.1 Continuous-Time Functions 2.3.2 Complex Exponentials …
Daftar Isi : Prakata Daftar Isi Bab 1 Instalasi Listrik Bab 2 Pencahayaan Bab 3 Sistem Pengaman Kebakaran Bab 4 Sistem Komunikasi sebagai Utilitas Bangunan Bab 5 Parkir Bab 6 Sistem Keamanan Gedung Bab 7 Sanitasi dan Sistem Pengolahan Limbah
Terdapat bibliografi dan indeks. CONTENTS: 1. Introduction to Optical Communications 1.1 BriefHistory 1.2 Generic Optical System 1.3 Design Challenges 1.4 State of the Art 2. Basic Concepts 2.1 Properties of Random Binary Data 2.2 Generation of Random Data 2.3 Data Formats 2.4 Effect of Bandwidth Limitation on Random Data 2.5 Effect of Noise on Random Data 2.6 Phase Noise and Jitter 2.7 Transm…
Anak Judul an practical aproach. Terdapat bibliografi dan indeks. CONTENTS: 1. Digital number systems and representations 2. Logic gate operation and specifications 3. Combinational logic circuits and reduction techniques 4. Data control devices 5. Flip-flops and sequential logic 6. Counter circuits and shift registers 7. Interfacing to the analog world 8. Microprocessor and computer me…
Anak judul : Konsep dasar & aplikasinya Terdapat bibliografi dan indeks. DAFTAR ISI: I. PENDAHULUAN 1. Pengantar 2. Sistem analog dan digital 3. Soal-soal II. SISTEM BILANGAN 1. Basis-10 (decimal) 2. Basis-2 (biner) 3. Basis-8 (octal) 4. Basis-16 (heksa-desimal) 5. Koneversi (pengubahan) bilangan] 6. Operasi bilangan III. SISTEM SANDI (KODE) 1. Sandi BCD (Biner Coded Decimal) 2. Sandi Excess…