Terdapat bibliografi dan indeks. CONTENTS: 1. Welcome to VLSI 1.1 A Brief History 1.2 Preview 1.3 MOS Transistors 1.4 CMOS Logic 1.4.1 The Inverter 1.4.2 The NAND Gate 1.4.3 CMOS Logic Gates 1.4.4 The NOR Gate 1.4.5 Compound Gates 1.4.6 Pass Transistors and Transmission Gates 1.4.7 Tristates 1.4.8 Multiplexers 1.4.9 Sequential Circuits 1.5 CMOS Fabrication and Layout 1.5.1 Inverter Cross-Sect…
Terdapat bibliografi dan indeks. CONTENTS: 1. Introduction to Side-Channel Attacks (Standaert, Fran
Terdapat indeks. CONTENTS: 1. Discrete Sequences and Systems 2. Periodic Sampling 3. The Discrete Fourier Transform 4. The Fast Fourier Transform 5. Finite Impulse Response Filters 6. Infinite Impulse Response Filters 7. Specialized FIR Filters 8. Quadrature Signals 9. The Discrete Hilbert Transform 10. Sample Rate Conversion 11. Signal Averaging 12. Digital Data Formats and Their Effects 13. …
Terdapat bibliografi dan indeks. CONTENTS: Preface. List of Abbreviations. Introduction. 1. Feedback Control Basics. 2. Channel Modeling. 3. Channel Estimation and Prediction. 4. Power Control, Part I: Linear Algebra Perspective. 5. Power Control II: Control Engineering Perspective. 6. Admission and Load Control. 7. Combining Different Radio Resources. 8. Smart Antennas. 9. Cognitive Radios a…
Terdapat bibliografi dan indeks. Preface 1. Introduction 2. Basic Queueing 3. Basic Loss Models 4. Non-Markovian Queues 5. Quasi-Reversibility and Queues with Product-Form Solutions 6. Queueing Networks 7. Loss Networks and Generalized Loss Models 8. Computational Algorithms for Product-Form Networks 9. Conservation Laws, Priority Queues, and Polling Models 10. Phase-Type Process and Matrix Ge…
Contents : 1. Electric Circuit Variables 2. Circuit Elements 3. Resistive Circuits 4. Methods of Analysis of resistive ciruits 5. circuit theorems 6. the operational amplifier 7. energy storage eements 8. the complete respose of RL and RC circuits 9. the complete response of circuits with two energy storage elements 10. Sinusoidal Steady-state aalysis 11. AC steady-state power 12. three-phase c…
DAFTAR ISI: 1. Sistem daya 2. Perkiraan beban dan energi 3. Metodologi perencanaan, desain, dan operasi 4. Optimasi dari sistem distribusi 5. Keterandalan sistem 6. Pelayanan kepada konsumen 7. Tarif listrik 8. Pentanahan 9. Saluran udara dan saluran bawah tanah 10. Kelebihan tegangan pada sistem 11. Catu pedesaan 12. Kapasitor daya 13. Pengukuran isolasi 14. Kebocoran muatan 15. Sistem perlind…
DAFTAR ISI: Kata Pengantar Pendahuluan Bab 1 Mengenal Circuit maker Bab 2 Pustaka Komponen Bab 3 Pembuatan Skema Rangkaian Bab 4 Simulasi Analog Bab 5 Simulasi Analog Lanjutan Bab 6 Simulasi Digital Bab 7 Simulasi Campuran Bab 8 Makro Lampiran A Penyelesian Latihan Lampiran B (Bonus) Membuat PCB Penutup Daftar Pustaka
DAFTAR ISI: Prakata Daftar Isi Bab I Pendahuluan Bab II Karakteristik Listrik dari Saluran Transmisi Bab III Representasi Saluran Transmisi, Relasi-Relasi Arus dan Tegangan Bab IV Konstanta-Konstanta Umum Saluran Transmisi Bab V Diagram Lingkaran dan Aliran Daya pada Saluran Trasmisi Bab VI kapasitas Hantar Arus (Current Carrying Capacity) dan Korona Bab VII Kompensasi pada Saluran Transmisi Ba…
Terdapat bibliograf dan indeks CONTENT: PART 1 DC Circuits Chapter 1 Basic Concepts Chapter 2 Basic Laws Chapter 3 Methods of Analysis Chapter 4 Circuit Theorems Chapter 5 Operational Amplifiers Chapter 6 Capacitors and Inductors Chapter 7 First-Order Circuits Chapter 8 Second-Order Circuits PART 2 AC CIRCUITS Chapter 9 Sinusoids and Phasors Chapter 10 Sinusoidal Steady-State Analysis Ch…