Contents: Chapter 1 Incident response The incident response process The incident response framework The incident response plan The incident response playbook Summary Chapter 2 Forensic fundamentals Legal aspects Digital forensic fundamentals Summary Chapter 3 Network evidence collection Preparation Network device evidence Packet capture Evidence collection Summary Chapt…
Table of contents: 1. How virtualization happens 2. Server virtualization 3. Desktop virtualization 4. Portable virtualization, emulators, and appliances 5. Investigation dead virtual environments 6. Investigating live virtual environments 7. Finding and imaging virtual environments 8. Virtual environments and compliance 9. Virtualization challenges 10. Cloud computing and the forensi…
Table of contents: Part I: Foundation Chapter 1: Practical Investigative Strategies Chapter 2: Technical Fundamentals Chapter 3: Evidence Acquisition Part II: Traffic Analysis Chapter 4: Packet Analysis Chapter 5: Statistical Flow Analysis Chapter 6: Wireless: Network Forensics Unplugged Chapter 7: Network Intrusion Detection and Analysis Part III: Network Devices and Servers…
Contents: 1. The stages of incident response 2. The security incident response team members 3. Incident evidence 4. Incident response tools 5. Incident response policies and procedures 6. Legal requirements and considerations 7. Governmental laws, policies and procedures 8. Forensics process 9. Forensics team member requirements 10. Forensics team policies and procedures 11. Manageme…