terdapat Index dan Catatan Buku ini berpendapat bahwa pandangan kita tentang kecerdasan manusia it terlalu sempit, mengabaikan serangkaian penting kemampuan yang sangat besar pengaruhnya dalam menentukan keberhasila kita dalam kehidupan
DAFTAR ISI: 1. Pendahuluan Komunikasi Aspek-aspek keamanan Algoritma dan kunci Cryptanalysis Macam-macam algoritma kriptografi Macam-macam serangan cryptanalyst Keamanan algoritma 2. Algoritma kriptografi klasik Teknik subtitusi Subtitusi deret campuran kata kunci Subtitusi monomer-dinome-trinome Subtitusi multilatera…
Catatan: Terdapat Index Table of Contents: 1. Classical Cryptography 2. Shannon
Contents 1. Mathematical background 2. Computational complexity 3. Public key cryptography 4. Factorization methods 5. Properties of the RSA cryptosystem 6. Low-exponent RSA 7. Protocol and implementation attacks 8. RSA signatures
Contents 1 Introduction 2 Preliminaries 3 The sign of differences and their properties 4 Weaknesses of MD5 algorithm 5 Selection of weak input differences 6 Construct differential path and deduce sufficient conditions 7 Collision searching 8 MD5 collision attacks with only a single block 9 Conclusion and some suggestions on future research
CONTENTS: 1. A bird's-eye view of modern cryptography 2. Elementary number theory and algebra background 3. Linear algebra 4. Sieve algorithms 5. Brute force cryptanalysis 6. The birthday paradox : sorting or not? 7. Birthday-based algorithms for functions 8. Birthday attacks through quadrisection 9. Fourier and Hadamard-Walsh transforms 10. Lattice reduction 11. Polynomial…
Steganography is the art and science of hiding information in inconspicuous cover data so that even the existence of a secret message is kept confidential, and steganalysis is the task of detecting secret messages in covers. This research monograph focuses on the role of cover signals, the distinguishing feature that requires us to treat steganography and steganalysis differently from other sec…
Contents: 1 Easy transposition ciphers 2 Easy substitution ciphers 3 How to break substitution ciphers 4 Hard-to-break polyalphabetic ciphers 5 Simple code machines 6 Invisible writing 7 Bizarre methods of messagr sending 8 Codes for other worlds
Sinopsis Buku ini bertujuan mengenalkan cara mengamankan konten multimedia dan menggunakan konten multimedia tersebut sebagai media penyimpanan pesan ataupun sebagai hak kepemilikan. DAFTAR ISI Kata Pengantar Daftar Isi BAB 1 Pendahuluan 1.1 Pendahuluan 1.2 Multimedia 1.2.1 Ciri-ciri Umum Sistem computer Multimedia 1.2.2 Sifat Pentingya Produk Multimedia 1.2.3 Sejarah perkemban…