Latar belakang pendidikan humaniora tentang manusia dengan cinta kasih, penderitaan, pandangan hidup dan lainnya.
Develovment of the survey movement, The nature of sciencetific social study, Methods and techniques of social studies, content of research studies: a study of culture group, a study of institutions, a study of community life in urban anf rular natural area, organisations and analysis of data
Terdapat indeks. CONTENTS: 1. Basic concepts 2. Frequency selective circuits and matching 3. Active devices and amplifiers 4. Mixers, modulators and demodulators 5. Oscillators and phase locked loops 6. Transmission lines and scattering matrices 7. Power amplifiers 8. Filters 9. Electromagnetic waves 10. Antennas 11. Propagation 12. Digital techniques in radio Index.
Terdapat Index. Sebagian besar perilaku manusia masih menjadi misteri, tetapi psikologi sosial saat ini menawarkan sebagian jawaban dari berbagai pertanyaan yang menarik: