Terdapat bibliografi dan indeks. CONTENTS: 1. Preface. 2. List of Contributors. 3. Humanistic Intelligence: "Wear Comp" As a New Framework and Application for Intelligent Signal Processing. 4. Adaptive Stochastic Resonance. 5. Learning in the Presence of Noise. 6. Incorporating Prior Information in Machine Learning by Creating Virtual Examples. 7. Deterministic Annealing for Clusterin…
Terdapat bibliografi dan indeks. CONTENTS: 1. Introduction to Control Systems 1.1 Introduction 1.2 Examples of Control Systems 1.3 Closed-Loop Control versus Open-Loop Control 1.4 Outline of the Book 2. Mathematical Modeling of Control Systems 2.1 Introduction 2.2 Transfer Function and impulse Response Function 2.3 Atomatic Control Systems 2.4 Modeling in state space 2.5 State-Space Representa…
Terdapat bibliografi dan indeks. CONTENTS: 1. Preface. 2. List of Contributors. 3. Humanistic Intelligence: "Wear Comp" As a New Framework and Application for Intelligent Signal Processing. 4. Adaptive Stochastic Resonance. 5. Learning in the Presence of Noise. 6. Incorporating Prior Information in Machine Learning by Creating Virtual Examples. 7. Deterministic Annealing for Clustering, Compre…