About The Book: Bruno Preiss presents readers with a modern, object-oriented perspective for looking at data structures and algorithms, clearly showing how to use polymorphism and inheritance, and including fragments from working and tested programs. The book uses a single class hierarchy as a framework to present all of the data structures. This framework clearly shows the relationships betwee…
This textbook can serve as a comprehensive manual of discrete mathematics and graph theory for non-Computer Science majors; as a reference and study aid for professionals and researchers who have not taken any discrete math course before. It can also be used as a reference book for a course on Discrete Mathematics in Computer Science or Mathematics curricula. Table of Contents Part I Fund…
DAFTAR ISI BAB 1 POHON A. Tujuan Pembelajaran B. Pendahuluan C. Traversal D. Pohon Biner E. Operasi Pohon Biner F. Praktikum G. Evaluasi BAB 2 PENCARIAN POHON BINER A. Tujuan Pembelajaran B. Pendahuluan C. Kelebihan dan kekurangan pencarian pohon biner D. Pohon AVL (Adelson, Velskii dan Landisr) E. Implementasi pencarian pohon biner F. Implementasi pencarian pohon b…
Daftar isi: 1. Apakah algoritma dan pemrograman itu? 2. Konstruksi dasar algoritma 3. Nama, tipe, ekspresi, dan nilai 4. Program input/output 5. Pemrograman dengan Pascal, C, dan C++ 6. Lebih jauh dengan runtunan 7. Pemlihan 8. Pengulangan 9. Pengantar pemrograman modular 10. Prosedur 11. Fungsi 12. Larik 13. Contoh-contoh soal dan penyelesaian (1) 14. Matriks 15. Algo…
Daftar isi: 1 Apakah algoritma dan pemrograman itu 2 Struktur dasar algoritma 3 Notasi algoritmik 4 Tipe, operator dan ekspresi 5 Runtunan 6 Pemilihan 7 Pengulangan 8 Contoh-contoh pemecahan masalah I 9 Pengantar pemrograman modular 10 Prosedur 11 Fungsi 12 Larik 13 Contoh-contoh pemecahan masalah II 14 Matriks 15 Algoritma pencarian 16 Algoritma pengurutan 17 Pemros…
Daftar isi: 1. Algoritma 2. Notasi algoritma 3. Bahasa C++ 4. Statement control 5. Pemrograman dasar C++ 6. Tipe data, variabel dan konstanta 7. Menampilkan nilai konstanta 8. Menampilkan variabel 9. Input data dengan kayboard 10. Selection 11. Rekursif 12. Array Daftar pustaka
Terdapat bibliografi dan indeks.
1. A C++ Primer.
1.1 Basic C++ Programming Elements.
1.2 Expressions.
1.3 Control Flow.
1.4 Functions.
1.5 Classes.
1.6 C++ Program and File Organization.
1.7 Writing a C++ Program.
1.8 Exercises.
2. Object-Oriented Design.
2.1 Goals, Principles, and Patterns.
2.2 Inheritance and Polymorph…