Table of contents: 1. Introducing Windows Server 2012 R2 2. Deploying Windows Server 2012 R2 3. Boot configuration 4. Managing Windows Server 2012 R2 5. Windows Server 2012 R2 MMC administration 6. Configuring roles, role services, and features 7. Managing and troubleshooting hardware 8. Managing the registry 9. Software and User Account Control administration 10. Performance monitori…
Daftar isi: BAGIAN I. DASAR-DASAR EMAIL Bab 1 Pendahuluan email Bab 2 Simple mail transfer protocol (SMTP) Bab 3 Mail transport agent (MTA) Bab 4 Permasalahan email BAGIAN II. INSTALASI DAN ADMINISTRASI MAILING LIST Bab 5 Mengerti mailing list Bab 6 Instalasi majordomo Bab 7 Administrasi majordomo Bab 8 Instalasi listproc Bab 9 Administrasi listproc Bab 10 Panduan-pandu…