Anak judul: Fundamentals and Applications. Terdapat bibliografi dan indeks. CONTENTS: 1. Signals and Spectra 1.1 Digital Communication Signal Processing 1.2 Classification of Signals 1.3 Spectral Density 1.4 Autocorrelation 1.5 Random Signals 1.6 Signal Transmission through Linear Systems 1.7 Bandwidth of Digital Data 2. Formatting and Baseband Modulation 2.1 Baseband Systems 2.2 Formatting Te…
Terdapat indeks. Chapter 1. Introduction Chapter 2. Power Computations Chapter 3. Half-Wave Rectifiers: The Basics of Analysis Chapter 4. Full-Wave and Three-Phase Rectifiers: Converting AC to DC Chapter 5. AC Voltage Controllers: AC to AC Converters Chapter 6. DC-DC Converters Chapter 7. DC Power Supplies Chapter 8. Inverters: Converting AC to DC Chapter 9. Resonant Converters Chapter 10. Dri…
Terdapat bibliography dan indeks. 1. Magnetic circuits 1.1 Magnetic circuits 1.2 Hysteresis 1.3 Sinusoidal excitation 21 1.1 Permanent magnet 2. Transformers 2.1 Ideal transformer 2.2 Practical transformer 2.3 Voltage regulation 2.4 Efficiency 2.5 Autotransformer 2.6 Three-phase transformers 2.7 Harmonics in three-phase transformer banks 2.8 Per-unit (PU) system 3. Electromechanical energy co…
Terdapat bibliografi dan indeks. DAFTAR ISI: 1. Sistem Tenaga < >Elemen sistem tenaga < >Pusat pembangkit dan operasi ekonomisnya < >Konversi energi elektromekanik < >Transmisi dan distribusi < >Karakteristik beban < >Proteksi < >Notasi dan simbol 2. Dasar elektromagnet < >Medan magnet dan medan listrik <&nb…
Terdapat indeks. Chapter 1. Introduction Chapter 2. Power Computations Chapter 3. Half-Wave Rectifiers: The Basics of Analysis Chapter 4. Full-Wave and Three-Phase Rectifiers: Converting AC to DC Chapter 5. AC Voltage Controllers: AC to AC Converters Chapter 6. DC-DC Converters Chapter 7. DC Power Supplies Chapter 8. Inverters: Converting AC to DC Chapter 9. Resonant Converters Chapter 10. Dri…