Daftar isi: BAB 1. Pengenalan Progressive Web App 1.1. Latar Belakang PWA 1.2. Kelebihan dan Kekurangan PWA 1.3. Karakteristik PWA 1.4. Fitur PWA 1.5. Teknologi Pendukung PWA 1.6. Mengapa Perlu Membangun Aplikasi Web Progresif? 1.7. Perbedaan Aplikasi Mobile Native, Hybrid dan PWA BAB 2. Service Worker 2.1. Pengenalan Service Worker 2.2. Promise API 2.3. Fetch API 2.4. Siklus H…
Daftar isi 1. Login database 2. CRUD database 3. Upload file 4. Upload dan download 5. Menu 6. Studi kasus 1 Penggajian 7. Studi kasus 2 Penjualan 8. Studi kasus 3 Sistem informasi KTP 9. Studi kasus 4 Apotek
Terdapat indeks. Table of Contents: Chapter 1. HTML5 The New Document Object Model (DOM) Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) WebSockets Web Storage Web Workers Flotsam & Jetsam Chapter 2. HTML Injection & Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) Understanding HTML Injection Employing Countermeasures Chapter 3. Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) Understanding Cross-Site Reques…
Terdapat bibliografi dan indeks. 1. Teccnology for web application < >Introduction < >HTTP and HTML: The foundation of web technology < >XML: eXtensible Markup Language < >SQL: The structured Query Language for Relation Databases < >Beyond HTTP: building web pages on the fly 2. Data Model < >Introduction < >Entities
Terdapat bibliografi dan indeks. 1. Teccnology for web application < >Introduction < >HTTP and HTML: The foundation of web technology < >XML: eXtensible Markup Language < >SQL: The structured Query Language for Relation Databases < >Beyond HTTP: building web pages on the fly 2. Data Model < >Introduction < >Entities