DAFTAR ISI: Persembahan Kata pengantar Daftar Isi Bab 1 Mengenal PIC16F84/A Bab 2 Mengelola port I/O Bab 3 Kompilasi dan pemrograman Bab 4 Subrutin dan Delay Bab 5 Timer/counter dan Interupsi Bab 6 PIC to breadboard Bab 7 Aneka aplikasi PIC16F84/A Daftar Pustaka Tentang penulis
This text provides a self-motivating introduction to wireless communications; it presents topics in a manner consistent with their natural evolution, based on the principle of increasing spectral efficiency of the radio transmission. Wireless Systems begins with a discussion of FDMA systems and follows the evolution through TDMA, CDMA, and SDMA techniques. Engineering principles required for ea…
This text provides a self-motivating introduction to wireless communications; it presents topics in a manner consistent with their natural evolution, based on the principle of increasing spectral efficiency of the radio transmission. Wireless Systems begins with a discussion of FDMA systems and follows the evolution through TDMA, CDMA, and SDMA techniques. Engineering principles required for ea…