Implementasi dan analisis performa WIDS untuk mendeteksi clogging attack pada jaringan Wi-Fi WPA3
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengimplementasikan dan melakukan analisis
performa Wireless Intrusion Detection System (WIDS) yang dapat mendeteksi
Clogging Attack yang meliputi SAE Authentication flood, Beacon flood dan
Deauthentication flood pada jaringan WPA3. Tahapan implementasi meliputi
instalasi dan konfigurasi ruang lingkup jaringan WPA3 dan WIDS berbasis
program python serta melakukan otomatisasi dan integrasi WIDS dengan bot
Telegram. Setelah tahapan implementasi maka dilakukan pengujian ketiga serangan
yang meliputi Beacon flood, SAE Authentication flood dan Deauthentication flood
yang ditransmisikan pada jaringan Wi-Fi WPA3 yang sudah termonitor oleh WIDS.
Hasil dari pengujian serangan membuktikan bahwa serangan Deauthentication
flood sudah dilancarkan dan tidak berhasil memberikan gangguan pada jaringan
Wi-Fi WPA3, sehingga upaya serangan Deauthentication flood yang dilancarkan
tidak terdeteksi sebagai serangan oleh WIDS WPA3 yang diimplementasikan. Pada
tahapan terakhir dalam penelitian ini dilakukan perhitungan performa deteksi
WIDS terhadap kedua serangan yang berhasil dijalankan yaitu Beacon flood dan
SAE Authentication flood. Hasil analisis performa WIDS WPA3 yang
diimplementasikan sudah menunjukan nilai performa yang tinggi. Sepuluh kali
pengujian WIDS WPA3 dengan menggunakan serangan Beacon flood
menghasilkan nilai recall 94,79% dan sepuluh kali pengujian WIDS WPA3 dengan
menggunakan serangan SAE Authentication flood menghasilkan nilai recall 100%. --
This study aims to implement and analyze the performance of the Wireless Intrusion
Detection System (WIDS) which can detect Clogging attacks which include SAE
Authentication flood, Beacon flood and Deauthentication flood on a WPA3
network. The implementation stages include the installation and configuration of
the WPA3 and WIDS network scopes based on the python program as well as
automation and integration of WIDS with Telegram bots. After the implementation
stage, the three attacks were tested which included Beacon flood, SAE
Authentication flood and Deauthentication flood which were transmitted on the
WPA3 Wi-Fi network which was monitored by WIDS. The results of the attack test
proved that the Deauthentication flood attack had been launched but had no impact
and failed to disrupt the WPA3 Wi-Fi network. So that the Deauthentication flood
attack that was launched was not detected as an attack by the implemented WIDS
WPA3. In the last stage of this research, the performance of WIDS detection was
calculated against the two attacks that were successfully executed, namely Beacon
flood and SAE Authentication flood. The results of the WIDS WPA3 performance
analysis that have been implemented have shown a high value. From 10 tests of
WIDS WPA3 implemented by Beacon flood attacks, WIDS WPA3 implemented has
94.79% recall value and from 10 tests of WIDS WPA3 implemented by SAE
Authentication flood attacks, WIDS WPA3 implemented has 100% recall valu
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