Rancang Bangun Modul Secure File Transfer Menggunakan Raspberry Pi dan Handy Talky Sebagai Komunikasi Darurat
Perlindungan terhadap Infrastruktur Informasi Vital (IIV) diperlukan pada seluruh kondisi, termasuk ketika bencana alam, chaos, overload maupun kondisi kedaruratan lainnya. Komunikasi yang paling efektif digunakan saat kondisi darurat adalah komunikasi radio. Penggunaan komunikasi radio umumnya berbasis suara dan dibutuhkan komunikasi radio yang dapat mengirimkan berbagai jenis file.
Rancang bangun modul untuk file transfer yang aman, dapat dilakukan dengan menerapkan protokol Secure Copy Protocol (SCP) yang berbasis Secure Shell (SSH) pada komunikasi radio. Proses SCP menyediakan layanan keamanan, integritas data dan otentikasi. Peningkatan keamanan dilakukan dengan menerapkan algoritma enkripsi AES mode Gallois Counter Mode (GCM) dan algoritma pertukaran kunci Curve 25519 berbasis Elliptic Curve Diffie Hellman (ECDH). Komunikasi radio yang dibangun menggunakan perangkat Raspberry Pi dan Handy Talky sebagai transciever dengan membangun network interface tnc0 sehingga protokol TCP/IP dapat berjalan pada komunikasi radio.
Tahap implementasi berhasil dilakukan dan sistem disebut sebagai Secure File Transfer Over Radio (SEFTER) dengan persentase keberhasilan sistem dalam mengirimkan file sebesar 37,11%. Sistem belum dapat memenuhi kriteria sebagai komunikasi darurat sesuai dengan APT Report on Use and Examples of Radiocommunication Systems for Early Warning and Disaster Relief Operations dan IARU Emergency Telecommunications Guide. Terjadinya kegagalan saat pengiriman terjadi karena adanya penghalang, delay dan fregmentasi data.
Protection of Critical Information Infrastructure (CII) is imperative under all circumstances, including natural disasters, chaotic situations, overloads, and other emergency conditions. The most effective communication during emergencies is through radio communication where predominantly voice-based, and there is a need for a radio communication system capable of transmitting various files.
The design and implementation of a secure file transfer module can be achieved by incorporating the Secure Copy Protocol (SCP) based on the Secure Shell (SSH) for radio communication. The SCP process ensures security services, data integrity, and authentication. Enhanced security measures are implemented through the utilization of the Galois Counter Mode (GCM) AES encryption algorithm and the Curve 25519 key exchange algorithm based on Elliptic Curve Diffie Hellman (ECDH). The radio communication system is constructed using Raspberry Pi devices and Handy Talky as transceivers, supplemented to establish the network interface tnc0, thereby enabling the TCP/IP protocol to operate over radio.
Implementation phases have been successfully, resulting a system as Secure File Transfer Over Radio (SEFTER), achieving a file transmission success rate of 37.11%. However, the system has not yet met the criteria for emergency communication as outlined in the APT Report on Use and Examples of Radiocommunication Systems for Early Warning and Disaster Relief Operations, and the IARU Emergency Telecommunications Guide. Failures in transmission have occurred due to obstacles, delays, and data fragmentation.
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