Terdapat bibliografi dan indeks. CONTENTS: Chapter 1: Mathematical Modeling, Numerical Methods and Problem Solving Chapter 2: MATLAB Fundamentals Chapter 3: Programming with MATLAB Chapter 4: Roundoff and Truncation Errors Chapter 5: Roots: Bracketing Methods Chapter 6: Roots: Open Methods Chapter 7: Optimization Chapter 8: Linear Algebraic Equations and Matrices Chapter 9: Gauss Elimi…
Terdapat bibliografi dan indeks. CONTENTS: 1. Signals and Systems 1.1 Continuous-Time and Discrete-Time Signals 1.2 Transformations of the Independent Variable 1.3 Exponential and Sinusoidal Signals 1.4 The Unit Impulse and Unit Step Functions 1.5 Continuous-Time and Discrete-Time Systems 1.6 Basic System Properties 2. Linear Time-Invariant Systems 2.1 Discrete-Time LTI Systems: The Convolutio…
DAFTAR ISI: 1. Suara dan Rekaman 2. Pemutaran Kembali dan Penerimaan 3. Penguat Tegangan 4. Penyamaan, Kendali Nada dan Saringan 5. Tahapan Keluaran 6. Pengeras Suara 7. Sistem Rekaman Dan Reproduksi
Terdapat bibliografi dan indeks. CONTENTS: Chapter 1: Mathematical Modeling, Numerical Methods and Problem Solving Chapter 2: MATLAB Fundamentals Chapter 3: Programming with MATLAB Chapter 4: Roundoff and Truncation Errors Chapter 5: Roots: Bracketing Methods Chapter 6: Roots: Open Methods Chapter 7: Optimization Chapter 8: Linear Algebraic Equations and Matrices Chapter 9: Gauss Elimi…